Christmas In The City, a captivating puzzle from White Mountain Puzzles, offers a charming glimpse into the festive spirit of New York City during the holiday season. The artwork by Victor McLindon showcases the iconic Brownstones adorned with an array of decorations, including wreaths, garlands, and twinkling lights. These decorations not only illuminate the streets but also evoke a sense of warmth and joy, captivating the hearts of passersby and bringing smiles to the faces of children. Within the Brownstones, residents immerse themselves in the holiday cheer by embellishing their homes with beautifully decorated Christmas trees, hanging stockings by the fireplace, and stealing kisses under the mistletoe. Each detail in the puzzle reflects the traditions and merriment of the season, inviting puzzlers to immerse themselves in the festive ambiance of a bustling city during Christmas. Assembling this puzzle transports enthusiasts into a world filled with nostalgia and the magic of the holidays, where the hustle and bustle of city life are replaced by moments of shared laughter, love, and celebration. With a finished size of 24" x 30", this puzzle offers a sizable canvas for enthusiasts to piece together and experience the joyous charm of Christmas In The City.
Product Information:
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Additional Information:
Publisher: White Mountain
Item ID: 724819266456
Product Material: Paper Blue Back
Packaging Dimensions: 12" x 10"
Language: English