Christmas Cheer

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The Peppermint Family spread a little Christmas Cheer in this 1000 piece puzzle by the beloved artist Janet Hill. This enchanting scene transports you to a quaint street bustling with holiday spirit, where cheerful shops line the cobblestone road. Amidst the festive errands, the Peppermint family's car is piled high with presents, and a Christmas tree reveals a surprise tag-along passenger—a mischievous raccoon nibbling on candy canes. This delightful puzzle captures the joy and charm of the season, offering a heartwarming challenge for the whole family.

Whimsical Painting by Artist Janet Hill
1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle
Finished Puzzle Size: 19.25"x26.625"
Linen Style Finish to reduce glare
Made in USA
Recommended Age: 13+ Years